Radio engineering college
State budget professional educational institution “Radio engineering college” in Saint-Petersburg is one of the leading educational institutions in the region, where they prepare technical specialists for electronics manufacturing. Training facilities in the college are equipped with new high-tech production equipment, computers (multimedia installations, interactive whiteboards). “Radio engineering college” has contracts with Baltic State technical university “Voenmeh” named by D.F. Ustinova, Saint-Petersburg State polytechnic university, Saint-Petersburg state technological institute. College students regularly become winners in the contests in the profession "Adjuster".
The college web-site:
Works and services performed:
- Production training workshops were equipped with industrial and ESD furniture VIKING (workbenches, ESD chairs, storage and moving systems), also ESD garments, desktop sets, magnifying lamps and additional equipment VKG Tools.
- College was equipped with measuring equipment Agilent Technologies, Fluke, equipment for production printed-circuit boards MYDATA, DIMA because of the complex project of refurbishment the educational institution.

Supplied equipment

Workplaces are simple, functional and inexpensive. They can be placed in a line with no gaps for conveyor work.