July 2013. DIPAUL group hosted International Electrotechnical Commission meeting in St. Petersburg
29 june 2013
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a
All IEC International Standards are fully
Year 2013 meeting in St. Petersburg was attended by experts from 15 countries: Austria, China, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.
Russian experts, members of National Technical Committee for Standardization (TC 072 Electrostatic): Ms. Chestnikova (DIPAUL group), Mr. Krivov (Metrological Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) and Mr. Tregubov («ESD Expert») participated in the following groups meetings:
- WG5 (IEC
61340-5-1 , 5–2. Protection of electronic devices against static electricity), - МТ 8 (Maintenance of IEC
61340-2-1 /-2/-3, Methods for testing static dissipative materials and surfaces) - JWG 13 (Safety requirements for
industrial-process measurement, control and automation equipment, excluding functional safety)
Next TC 101 meeting will be held in France.