Dipaul group
By 2014 DIPAUL group have accumulated over 20 years of significant experience in electronics and semiconductor industries market, offering solutions, technologies and equipment. In the course of these years some major companies from military-industrial and aerospace sectors, contract manufacturers, research and educational organizations, service and repair providers, telecommunication operators and other enterprises have become our clients.
Over 10 years ago, understanding all our clients’ needs and requirements, we started manufacturing workplaces for electronics devices assembly under VIKING brand. We were the first in Russia to develop new technologies and use new materials to manufacture antistatic furniture, which complies with international IEC 61340. By now we became a leading Russian producer of ESD workbenches, storage units and additional equipment for electronic industry.
In 2013 DIPAUL company has opened its branch office and a central distribution warehouse in Prague (Czech Republic) to provide a close support to its partners and distributors in the European region.
Saint-Petersburg Headquarters
ul. Rentgena, 5B
197101, St.-Petersburg, Russia
tel./fax: +7 (812) 702-12-66
E-mail: mail@viking-esd.com
Moscow office
Ogorodny proezd, 20, building 1
127322, Moscow, Russia
tel./fax: +7 (495) 645-20-02
E-mail: mail@viking-esd.com
Nizhniy Novgorod office
pr. Gagarina, 50
603057, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
tel./fax: +7 (831) 464-97-27
E-mail: mail@viking-esd.com
DIPAUL s.r.o. (Prague, Czech Republic) office and warehouse
Plzenska 155/113,
150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic
Tel./fax:+420 2 5573 9633
Email: info@dipaul.eu