Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant
Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant is one of the largest technically equipped mechanical engineering plants on the Northwest Federal District. The plant is situated in Tikhvin city in Leningrad region. The enterprise is a modern manufacture of producing new generation freight wagons with improved operational features. Management organization “United Wagon Company” implements the strategic management of Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant.
The goal of “United Wagon Company” is to establish an integrated provider of rail services in the sphere of manufacture and operational leasing based on “Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant”, leasing company RAIL 1520 and engineering and service departments of maintenance and repair freight wagons.
Works and services performed:
Industrial floors of three types (total area: 30 000 sq.m.), including:
- ESD self-leveled floor coverings;
- Anti-sparking floor coverings;
- Multilayer polymeric floors.